Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thanksgiving Weekend

We had such a good 4 day weekend last week, i woke up this morning thinking how last thursday was so much better lol. Thanksgiving was very nice, we spent it with kacys family and omg there was so much food and it was all sooo good. We didnt really do much but just hang out and eat but it was nice for everyone to get to see the girls and for me to not have to deal with them most the day!

Black friday wasnt any big deal for me, I didnt have anything i really needed so i slept in and did some shopping later in the afternoon, we still got some stuff at good prices. That night i started making some presents for people, Id take a pic of what im making but some people reading this might be getting them so dont want to give anything away, ill show them after christmas. Friday night we took brie to the christmas parade and it was really the first year she had a lot of fun getting candy and waving at people on the floats. It did get cold though so we were happy to go home to the hot tub!

Saturday I did lots of shopping but sadly most of it wasnt even for christmas present! Brie is growing a lot lately so she needed some new clothes and G got her christmas pj's! The main thing we shopped for were stockings for the girl! I didnt want boring ones from the stores so we got a pattern and spent 2 hours picking out fabric for them! they are going to turn out great i hope!

And Sunday I just spent putting up the tree and decorating the house, Brie helped me put all the ornaments on the tree so most of them are at her level but its still a cute tree! now see a picture would look great right here but blogger has issues and would put it at the very top of the post and they just wouldnt work, back to wordpress?????

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