Monday, June 22, 2009

The god parent debate

When Brie was born and we had to pick godparents for her I didnt have to put a ton of thought into it because to me godparents usually are either a family member or best friend of the parent. In our case Kacy picked his best friend and i did mine. Only later did i start to here different opinions of what a godparent was and what it actually entitled these people to. So of course i had to do my reaserch! Are they supose to be a couple? Do they get custody if both parents are killed? Do they have to be the same people for all of your kids?

A godparent is an adult who sponsors a child during a formal religious ceremony or rite. Many religions have godparents or other adults who do something almost the same. These religions include Christianity & Judaism. Usually a godparent must be a member of the religion of the child.

Originally a godparent was someone who agreed to help raise the child and help them to become a good member of the religion. They may also have taken over as parent to the child if both its real parents died. Today, the role of godparent is not often a formal one, and has no real responsiblity to the child.

So after reading this i have concluded that like most things the title of "godparent" is very open ended. if you are religious its about choosing people who will help your child become a good member of your church and participate in the baptisim. For those of us like myself who didnt have any type of cerimony it was more about picking people who are special to us that we hopped would play a large part in bries life and upbringing. For lots of couples im sure that godparents are the same people they would want to take custody of there children if they were killed, but for us it would more likely be one of our parents who would take brie. Being modern times i think it would almost be imposible for parents to pick a couple to be godparents and get custody because its so unlikely for people to stay married these days.

So im very interested to hear from you guys who you picked and how and what that means to you!

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