Monday, June 22, 2009

The god parent debate

When Brie was born and we had to pick godparents for her I didnt have to put a ton of thought into it because to me godparents usually are either a family member or best friend of the parent. In our case Kacy picked his best friend and i did mine. Only later did i start to here different opinions of what a godparent was and what it actually entitled these people to. So of course i had to do my reaserch! Are they supose to be a couple? Do they get custody if both parents are killed? Do they have to be the same people for all of your kids?

A godparent is an adult who sponsors a child during a formal religious ceremony or rite. Many religions have godparents or other adults who do something almost the same. These religions include Christianity & Judaism. Usually a godparent must be a member of the religion of the child.

Originally a godparent was someone who agreed to help raise the child and help them to become a good member of the religion. They may also have taken over as parent to the child if both its real parents died. Today, the role of godparent is not often a formal one, and has no real responsiblity to the child.

So after reading this i have concluded that like most things the title of "godparent" is very open ended. if you are religious its about choosing people who will help your child become a good member of your church and participate in the baptisim. For those of us like myself who didnt have any type of cerimony it was more about picking people who are special to us that we hopped would play a large part in bries life and upbringing. For lots of couples im sure that godparents are the same people they would want to take custody of there children if they were killed, but for us it would more likely be one of our parents who would take brie. Being modern times i think it would almost be imposible for parents to pick a couple to be godparents and get custody because its so unlikely for people to stay married these days.

So im very interested to hear from you guys who you picked and how and what that means to you!


Remember in High school when people would tell you "your lucky if you have a true friend for every finger on your hands" At the time i thought this was the craziest statement i have ever heard, i would start rambling off names and would need about 5 sets of hands for everyone i then considered a good friend. Now i get it, its pushing it to even fill 5 fingers. Now this isnt a bad thing just what happens when you grow up and dont spend everyday with thousands of other people your age. People change, find husbands, start familys, are busy with careers, but there always seems to be one or two friends out there that even with all the changes stay true to you and make the effort to not let it go. Thank god for them because no matter what is happening in life you need at least one person who you can tell everything to and be silly around and just call a true friend. So send your friends a text, give them a call, or drop them a comment just to let them know that no matter how busy you are you are still there when they need you!

Wedding weekend

It was a busy weekend for weddings and we did end up going to Kaycee and J's which turned out to be amazing! Not only did it seem like the absolute perfect wedding for Kaycee it was enjoyable for all the guests as well! The ceremony at the conrad mansion was so beautiful with all the flowers and not overly long so it kept your attention. After they served wine and snacks under the gazebo while they took pictures and everyone waited to go over to the reception which was above alpine lighting. At first it was kind of accward seeing old friends from highschool but not really knowing what to talk about, but at the reception i had so much fun talking and catching up with everyone. The food was amazing, the bar full all night, fun music, and overall just a fun party for everyone! I wish the two of them the best of times and a long happy life together!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Custom carseats

When you are a first time mom you have this huge list of stuff you need to get for the baby, the best part of second time around is that you already have almost everything you need and can spend on things that are over the top and you dont really need. Well for me that is a custom car seat. Maybe because we didnt know brie was going to be a girl and ended up with a blue seat, and everywhere i went with it people told me how cute my lil boy was, im now set on making a girly, fun, outgoing cover. I looked alot and found a great seller online who even sent me fiv e pages of different faberic choices and will let me pick exactly what kind of combo i want to do. Here is a pic of one that i like a lot but i think im going to do something with pink and brown dots.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Twin Obsessed

Im not sure whats in the water these days but it seems like everyone who gets prego lately is having twins! I honestly feel like maybe im a failure for only making one lol! I get it with the movie stars who all use in vetro and fertility meds but how does the common person pull it off? I was secretly hoping when i had my ultrasond that there would magicly be two in there but I guess im not that lucky! I even looked up on the internet how to boost your chances which mostly were things i couldnt control but it did say that eating a lot of yamms seems to help. I hate yamms so couldnt even go there. Its not like i really want to have 4 kids but if we want to try agiain im gunna have to ask the doc to hoop me up with some fertilitly luck ill have sextuplets and turn into melissa and kacy plus 8....

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Well my man came through with our last min plans to go out and do summin for the anniversary last night, I didnt even try to get a babysitter or make plans lol. So we didnt go do the fancy thing or anything but we went out to five guys burgers and fries because we hadnt tried it yet and i was surprised! Im not a fast food burger person but the fries were soooo good and even my burger was quite tasty! I did learn that you only need the little burger cuz i was soo full i almost couldnt get my jumbo popcorn at the movies lol. Hey you cant go to a movie with out the popcorn! So we had a nice lil date out together then had a horrible nights sleep with brie all sideways between us in the bed.....ahhhh thats love after 6 years and a baby i guess!

Monday, June 8, 2009

6 years and counting

So im a little in shock today thinking about the fact that i have been with kacy for 6 years now! Half of which i have spent being prego or with a baby! They always tell you time goes fast and all those old geezers were right! And even tho i know you never read this "happy anniversary baby" Times are not alwyas smooth, we have some crazy fights, but without you id never be where i am now and cant even image being somewhere else! Oh and whenever we do go seal the leagal deal we better keep the same date becasue just one is hard enough to remember! Love ya babe

Sesame Street

This post is for the moms who are actually interested in such things, sorry to everyone else that im boring to death! Morning time is always turn on the tv and plop brie down to watch cartoon time. Either i can get my shower in or on those days where im just still too tired to start the day we cuddle in bed together and brie watches while i try and get in that extra 20 minutes. Well the problem with the cartoon channels like nick which we watch alot is that the shows go for 20 min and then have 10 min commercials. Kids cant wait 10 minutes for the next Dora to come on people and then they wake up there tired moms and want breakfast! But the other day I randomly was awake early enough that sesame street was on so i set the old DVR to record them every morning so now there it is all ready to play an hour of show with no commercials! Brie loves them too! I know i watched it as a kid but that was prob becaseuse pbs was all we got. So im just gunna throw a shout out to ol Elmo, Burt, Earnie, and Big Bird for making my sleepy mornings oh so much better!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Private Blog

Ok so i went to the private settings and i know it made things a lil bit complicated! So when you get the email asking you to join just log in with your regular email address you use and the password that gets you into that email address! Sorry for the complicatedness but just feels better knowing that only the people i want to be able to read everything about me can!

Monday, June 1, 2009


It was amazing, I actually got 2 days off this weekend and the weather was great so of course we went camping! Kacy has been wanting to go and so we took the opening and went up to McGregor lake with some of Kacys family! It was funny shopping for food because im at the store going over every meal and exactly what we will need for it and kacy is about to go crazy becasue his idea of camping food is a case of beer and pack of hot dogs......yeah that wasnt going to work for me so we loaded up with good food and im sure kacy liked not having to eat hot dogs for breakfast. The water was freezing but it was so nice and hot it felt good to just dip your feet in for a cool down. Brie loved everything about camping! She was sooo excitd when we set up the tent and it was almost impossible to get her to even come out of it. But she fished and played in the water and loved cooking on the fire, and of course making smores was a big hit. We had to be back sunday afternoon for my brothers bday but still had a good time! I vow to fit in as much camping as possible this summer!