Sunday, April 19, 2009

Brie Measuring up

Yeah I know she it tiny but just how tiny? I measured her up today on the growth chart and for both weight and height she fell at below 3%. Dr.s have told me its just a sign that she is super active and as long as she is healthy im sure she is fine. As a baby I was always short but i always weighed more than brie....must be the calf muscles...if you have seen them you know what im talking about. And Kacy at 5'9" isnt the biggest guy so I think she is just doomed in life. At least she might be the lucky one who doesnt have to worry about weight.

I was also curious to see what her percents were when she was born and found that in weight at 6lbs 12 oz she fell at about 15 percent....Here is the funny part and i had been noticing from tv and other babies being born that infants usually are only about 20 in long and brie was 21.5 in newborn percents that is over 95 percent. So I can say that at one point in her life she was taller than 95 percent of the other girls!

The pic above is Brie wearing the baby clothes I got kels for her baby shower, they are 3-6 month clothes lol. The only reason she put them on is that when they came in the mail my mom thought they were for her, a lil tank and capri pants lol. So the tank was a dress but i let brie keep it and the pants I had to hide till the shower becasue she kept finding them and wanted to wear them. She will randomly ask me " where my seahors pants" how does she remember?

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