Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Brie told me today that its time for Spring to kick Winter in the tushy butt!

Bries first movie

So this weekend we are driving around in the cold thinking of summin to do as a fam. and i thought its about time to take brie to her first movie at the theater. The only kid movie playing was the Monsters in 3D so we took her to see that. First off i didnt know it was so much more money to go to a 3D movie and second kacy blew it by saying brie was 2 so we had to pay 9$ for her to go, I mean come on she looks about 1. But it ended up worth it becasue then brie got the 3D glasses too which are no longer the dorky paper ones but kida cool and stylish. Brie fell asleep just as we pulled into the parking lot and i had a fear she was just going to sleep through the whole thing but she woke up right at the previews. Not gunna lie the 3D was really cool! i was thinking it was going to just be a few parts of the movie and be kinda lame but it really made the movie fun. Brie loved it she sat and watched the whole time eating popcorn and laughing and asking questions. I was so glad she didnt cry and enjoyed it so now we have one more thing we can all go do together!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day

What a nice holiday! I wasn't super earthy by going out picking up garbage or planting trees but Brie and i did our part today by spending the day outside. It was a tv free day so that means we didnt use power! So we started early playing in the sandbox and having breakfast out on the deck. It got hot fast and I smeared on my tanning lotion and tried to lay out in the sun but when you have a 2 year old laying around doesnt happen so i played with her instead. We also went for a nice jog and brie took her nap in the stroller. And then back home to lunch in the sun and playing some more. Im sad i had to work tonight beacasue we were going to go see that new disney earth movie about the cute animals but we will have to go this weekend instead. So if you havnt done your good deed to the earth today think of something small and do your part!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Doc Billy James

I think i made a big mistake when i made a deal with Kacy that with our kids i got to choose girl names and he got boys......yeah well i lucked out with brie even tho at the time kacys boy name was ok. Well now Kacy says if he has a boy its name is going to be Doc Billy James...... The explination goes like this Doc for Doc Holliday from tombstone. Billy as in Billy the kid, and James for Jesse James. God what have i done! Add on the last name Snake and we are going to have a real winner!

Rosetta Stone

So I have taken 4 years of French, 2 hs and 2 college. If needed i could write french or come up with some sayings but when the french guys come into my store and start blabbing aways you would think they were speaking alien. So im giving up on french classes and going to try conversational french, my bro has all of them so im going to see how true they are to learing a langage in a few months. wish me luck in the future cuz the french guys that come in are usually super good looking...I mean i want to sing my baby french lullibys!

Its not just about the name!

I know im semi crazy when it comes to things being designer or known brands but really there is a difference. A lot of people try to say that things like this are just spendy because of the name but really the quality of the items is soooo much better. This came to mind when nicole ( who i love ) teased me that the clothing at target are just as good as the ones from gymboree. We were really just talking about looks but she said I like gymboree becasue they are a name brand. So this is nothing bad about target yeah they do some cute carters lines but come on you can get carters EVERYWHERE and they all look the same. There was only one amazing line that target did for babys and it was called lulliby club...super cute stuff that i did buy a lot. And guess what? It all fell apart. The buttons came off the seems dont hold after a few washes, the colors fade. And im sorry but that hold true to almost any designer Vs generic brand. The extra money you spend to buy a BMW or Lexus is getting you a more luxirious car. The extra i spend to buy name brand lables is getting me something that holds up....my one exception to this rule is designers like gucci and any thing "coture" Gucci sunglasses that cost 400 are marked up just for the name! blah blah blah no one really cares but i had to defend my shopping choices lol

Brie Measuring up

Yeah I know she it tiny but just how tiny? I measured her up today on the growth chart and for both weight and height she fell at below 3%. Dr.s have told me its just a sign that she is super active and as long as she is healthy im sure she is fine. As a baby I was always short but i always weighed more than brie....must be the calf muscles...if you have seen them you know what im talking about. And Kacy at 5'9" isnt the biggest guy so I think she is just doomed in life. At least she might be the lucky one who doesnt have to worry about weight.

I was also curious to see what her percents were when she was born and found that in weight at 6lbs 12 oz she fell at about 15 percent....Here is the funny part and i had been noticing from tv and other babies being born that infants usually are only about 20 in long and brie was 21.5 in long.....in newborn percents that is over 95 percent. So I can say that at one point in her life she was taller than 95 percent of the other girls!

The pic above is Brie wearing the baby clothes I got kels for her baby shower, they are 3-6 month clothes lol. The only reason she put them on is that when they came in the mail my mom thought they were for her, a lil tank and capri pants lol. So the tank was a dress but i let brie keep it and the pants I had to hide till the shower becasue she kept finding them and wanted to wear them. She will randomly ask me " where my seahors pants" how does she remember?

Breath and ahhhhhh.......

So i woke up this morning and was so happy that i have NO plans for a long time, well no plans that require me to do anything more than sit somewhere and have other people BBQ for me. Ever since February when i went on vacation i have been toooo busy planning things, It was Bries bday then kacys bday and easter and a baby shower, and work and appointments in between and im SO happy to just be done. Being a virgo is hard work we are super picky and organized and want things to be perfect. I cant just throw together a party or do something half way.....its all or nothing with us "virgins" lol. So im now vowing to not plan anything else for a long time because I just need some me time where I have time to go get my hair done and work out and shop for ME! I want to scrapbook for myself and have time to hang out with my friends....once again big breath and ahhhhhh the feeling of nothing to worry about!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Ok so im going to drop a big secret that i know several people that read this may be interested in, or maybe you are already in the know but here it goes.....You know when you go to get your OB ultrasounds and EVERYONE in the flathead valley wants to go to Whitefish because they do the awsome 3D ones......Well old Nothwest imaging has been holding out on us all....THEY DO THEM THERE.....all you have to do is ask the tech and its no extra charge or anything. They will even make you a disk of all the images so you can easily post them! I was told that a lot of the techs are just lazy and dont want to do them or try to say the cord is in the way but you jsut have to be stern and they will do them! I guess if your OB does them in the office you are out of luck but at least now Kalispell doesnt have to be so crapy compaired to wf! shhhh dont tell everyone! PS those of you like my sis katie who had the 3d done there and hasnt told us shame on you! lol

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

And the Summer Clothes Drop

Ahhh the day that the cute baby stores release there summer lines is a good day! That day was yesterday for the Gymboree Addicts....There are some cute new summer stuff but just not sure if its the line to grab up or hold out....im thinking hold out and by that time most this stuff with be sale priced any ways......Oh and for anyone who likes to look up the new and old gymbo lines the site gymbohaven has pics of every past line. Very helpfull if you like the ebay the old stuff like ME.....I know i know i need to go to Gymbo Ananamous
Is the TV break over yet! I hate it when its holiday time and spring break and all the shows i watch switch to old episodes....maybe id like this if i ever went and did anything during those times but nope im still at home needing my Gossip Girl and Greys!


We had a nice Easter this year! I woke up before Brie which NEVER happens cuz lets face it moms should enjoy every second of sleep they can get, but i guess i was just excited for her to wake up and start the ol Easter. When she did wake up i went and held her and she kinda flopped her head on my shoulder trying to wake up. Well her Easter Basket was sitting on the floor neer by and when she saw it full off goodies including a sponge bob she perked right up. SPONGE BOB she yelled and ran right over to check it out.

Now as a kid my parents/easter bunny always hit pieces of candy all over the house and we went around with out baskets and found it all in the morning. I guess this isnt normal cuz Kacy didnt know what i was doing by leaving candy all over but it was super cute i put a candy on each step cuz brie loves going up and down the stairs. So she takes her basket to go down stairs and says "someone spilled candy" So all that easter bunny talk didnt qutie get through

We also did a little egg hunt outside with her cousin Caden and then had a little easter dinner. I was glad the sun was out and it was warm enought to actually wear those cute easter dresses!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


This week is spring break for grammy so Brie has got to spend lots of time with her! They have the best time together! Yesterday grammy took her clothes shopping and she got lots of cute stuff for spring weather. They also went out to lunch and Brie picked out her own scone and sat outside at the table to eat it yummmy. It helps out so much having someone in the days that can watch her when i work. I think i need to go back to no working and just watching the monkey so we dont have the same problems every day!
So i must be behind on posting if my last one was on April 1st and its now almost easter! So lets see a lil update! We had 3 sunny days in a row! wooo hooo it was warm and sunny and we could go to the park and have BBQ's sooo great! It was also kacys bday last friday so we took advantage of the sun and cooked up some good food. Now im looking on to Easter and thinking how the bunny better get its butt in gear and go get goodies to hide and put in Bries Easter basket. How exciting this will be the first year she gets candy. last year we did put out eggs and she went around and put them in her basket which was CUTE but she will have so much more fun this year! Lets hope the rain holds out at least till after the weekend so we dont have soggy easter egg hunting. Well that wasnt too exciting but hey at least i wrote summin!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools

What a funny lil day, i mean who thought up a day where we all just pull pranks and lie to each other. not gunna lie i like to participate in a few lil things but not so into it like some people. I only had one thing pulled on me this morning when i got up at 6 and my mom tells me there is like a foot of snow outside and i got all mad and headed to get my boots.......but then again i have only been around a two year old so far today so she didnt pull anything on me yet!