Monday, October 12, 2009

Gigi's Birth story

So i know i need to write all this down before things start to slip from my mind. Its been one week since the birth of our new baby girl and this is how she was welcomed into this world!

My due date was October 1st which was a thurday, I had seen the doctor a few times that week once on monday where i was 3 cm dialated but still zero percent effaced and she had not dropped down at all. I went again in Friday where I was 5 cm dialated and about 50 percent effaced. Gina wanted to go ahead and have me come in to be induced the fallowing monday at 6 am.

Sunday night i dropped brie off with my mom for a sleep over and tried to get some sleep before the big day. Unfortunately sleep wasn't much of an option because baby gigi didnt wanna wait to be induced and i started having contractions about 3:00 am. At first I thought they might just be some little cramps because up until this point i hadnt had any contractions at all. They seemed close together so i got up and tried to time them. They were already close to only 5 minutes apart and lasted about 30 seconds long. I did a few things to wait it out, sent some emails, tried to lay down, and then took a bath. It was about 4:30 when i got out of the bath and woke up kacy so he could have a shower and get everything ready to go. by the time we were leaving they were getting very pain full and not much rest between. When we pulled into the hospital parking lot we got a call from the hospital asking if i could come in for my induction the next day instead because they were so busy. Kacy told them that we were in the parking lot and there was no way we could wait. They met us at the door and took me back to a prep room to put on my gown. by this point i was in alot of pain and it seemed like no one was coming to check on me so i paged a nurse who got me on the monitor. The contractions were now 2 min apart and I was at about 7 cm. They moved me to a delivery room right away and paged my doctor who happened to be in house that night with several other patients. When she came in at 6:00 am i was already at 9.5 and 100 percent effaced but my water hadnt broken yet so she broke my water and the nurses started getting the room ready for me to push. This is the time where i freaked out. I knew that i wanted the drugs and had kept asking the nurses if i could still get them and at this point they said no but it was no big deal two pushes and she would be out. Well i didnt quite believe this because with Brie it was almost 2 hours of pushing and this time felt about the same. Good thing Gina was on the same page because she let me push twice and told me stop and got the anesthesiologist right away. Gigi still hadnt dropped down and she knew i was no where near relaxed enough yet. I was given the interthegal which was hard to do seeing as i had to stay still through constant contractions that had me wanting to push but not be able to. Once the drugs were working i calmed down a lot and Gina let me rest and hope that she would drop down farther. At about 7:00 they let me try pushing again but with every little push babys heart rate dropped into the 60's so they told me to stop pushing again. Gina knew that it would take a while to push her out and said that with the heart rate dropping she didnt want to even try. She isnt big on jumping to c sections so she decided to have me go to the operating room and have me preped to have the surgery by numbing me completely waste down and let me try to push one more time in there and if nothing else she would do the c section. It took a while to get moved into the OR and i had to sit up on the table and have the new spinal put in. the drugs from earlier were starting to wear off so it was hard to sit up and stay still. I had to have two spinals done because on the first try he hit a blood vessel which i guess is almost impossible to do. Once i was so numb that i couldnt move at all or feel anything they let me try and push which was weird because the nurses had to feel for contractions and tell me when i was having them because i had no feeling at all. After a few pushes she was born at 8:33. It turned out she had been face up and the cord was wrapped around twice so that was why every time i pushed she didnt go any where and why her heart rate dropped so much. they got her cleaned up and weighed and there she was my lil Georgiana Taylor 7 lbs 5 oz and 21.5 in long!